The Government of Andhra Pradesh is committed to the cause of education and has been playing a proactive role in providing high quality learning experience and opportunities to students. In tune with the Government’s Student centered initiatives, the Department of Technical Education endeavors to provide its students comprehensive, equitable and effective training in job oriented skills in addition to academic qualifications. Severe skill crunch is repeatedly affecting the chances of students in the global job arena.
It is a well known fact that majority of the Polytechnic students come from rural, marginalized and weaker sections matriculated in vernacular language. It is felt that these students must be given ample opportunities to address their weaknesses and prepare students for the near future fully equipped with skills viz., living skills, communications skills, technical skills, creative skills, critical thinking and all other skills that the situation demands.
The Department of Technical Education in its endeavors to ensure quality in Technical Education is implementing:
Ø MHRD scheme of Community Development Through Polytechnics
Ø AICTE scheme of Entrepreneurship Development Cells
Ø The compulsory industrial training part for polytechnic students in 3rd /4th semesters.
Ø Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme phase -II (TEQIP-II) with financial support for selected Engineering colleges for quality improvement
Scheme of Skill Development Centres for improving the employability of engineering graduates and diploma holders.